Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Heart Song

I tell ya my church is sooooo creative and I love it. Yesterday instead of a sermon , each pastor shared his/her heart song. The song was then performed by the choir or the original version was played. So in honor of Valentine’s Day, here is my heart song.

What's your heart song?


Hccm said...

So sad that the sound on my computer is still broken, but my heart song is "At Last." I so love this song. Doesn't matter if Etta or Beyonce sings it.

Hugs and Mocha,

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I love that your heartsong is a Luther classic. Very fitting!

I left you a bit of link love on our blog today. If you are interested, check it out. You'll just have to figure out which link is yours, which hopefully should not be too hard!


joanofalltrades said...

I see some of my favorite bloggy buddies are checking you out! I love the bookshelf. My heart song is by the same artist and it was played by the saxophonist at church yesterday. Luther's So Amazing. I walked down the isle to it. Can you believe my husband forgot the song?! I have to forgive his brain farts.

Anonymous said...

Lovely song! Yeah I haven't gone to church in a while I work weekends, thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

i hate i missed church on sunday. i have heard nothing but good things. my heart song is I'd Rather by Luther Vandross.

Unknown said...

Hey there! I'm like Liv... I missed church, and everyone keeps talking about it! :( But, my love song is... Heather Headley's If it Wasn't for Your Love. It's my love song to God, and I pray that I'll be able to play it for my beau at our wedding. ;) Great subject! Happy Luv Month! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that song. My heart song is Angel by Robin Thicke. That was the song that I had a friend sing for me while I walked down the aisle on my wedding day.

pecanglo said...

I wish I had a big,much better than WOW! But that's all I got right now. You are so talented and I already knew that, but I loved your piece, "My Heart Song". You picked a great one. Who doesn't love Luther! I really enjoyed it sweetie. Keep what you are doing up because you are touching many, many people and I feel that I am getting so much out of this. Perhaps one day I shall return to writing and expressing my views, but alas, I am blessed to have you and I can enjoy and read all of your blogs. I am learning so much.

Love you more and more,

DINKS said...

coolness! i like that idea a lot :) Enjoy the weekend!